© Noel Harrower 2018
Noel harrower
OPERATION NOAH An Inter Faith Environment Project, developed from ideas from Christian Ecology Link, involving young people from three faith communities St. Andrew’s with Castlegate United Reformed Church, the Jewish Lads and Girls Brigade and the Muslim led Bobber’s Mill Community Centre was brought together by the Nottingham Inter Faith Council. SPONSORS Two grants were received. Lucy Smith, one of the young people who encouraged development of the project obtained a grant from Respect, part of the Prince’s Trust, which supports young people learning from other faith traditions. Nottingham Inter Faith was awarded a grant by the Nottingham Green Partnership. These enabled the young people to employ two professional artists to help in the fields of music and painting, to meet catering and running costs and pay the overheads for production of a CD Rom, which illustrates what they did. WHAT HAPPENED? Day 1. Getting to know one another. Music, painting, games, sharing traditional Jewish food and explaining about beliefs. Enter Mr. Noah, who explained the problem of climate change. God has asked him to build another ark, because of rising seas. Flooding and desertification affect many parts of the world. The Childen said they would help. Day 2. Working together. Posters were prepared about the issues. Sacred texts were quoted on caring for creation. Groups learned life skills i.e. shelter building, craft skills, and endangered species were identified. Invitations were sent out to come aboard the ark. Pancakes are shared and the Lent tradition explained. Day 3. Before setting sail, a day was spent working together at Dunkirk Nature Reserve- pruning trees, clearing rubbish and collecting brushwood to build animal hives. There was a picnic in the woods. Day 4. They all set sail and voyaged round the world, rescuing people from devastated areas and saving endangered species. Radio and TV on the ark kept everyone in touch with the trouble spots. Mr Noah released a dove and when all was safe everyone come ashore, and give thanks in a multi-faith service. Promises were made as to how they would try to live sustainably. Muslim food was shared, and certificates are awarded by Cllr. John Hartshorne, the Sheriff of Nottingham. PUBLICITY Provided through articles in the Nottingham Evening Post, the Jewish Chronicle, the Nottingham Topper and a broadcast on Radio Nottingham. A CD Rom is being prepared. As I am leaving the area the future contacts are Richard and Jill Gaunt, 28, Ramsdale Crescent, Sherwood, Nottingham NG5 4DU
Website by Rob Masding